Our Continuous Efforts to Prevent Violence Against Children and Youth
เด็กและเยาวชนที่ได้รับความรู้เรื่อง “กรูมมิ่ง”
Children and youth with awareness of “Grooming”
วิทยากรรุ่นเยาว์ หลักสูตร “พอกันทีกรูมมิ่ง”
Young Trainers for the 'Enough with Grooming' Program
Participating Educational Institutions
Activities | กิจกรรม
Aikido | ไอคิโด
Find out more about aikido and our range of aikido classes for children and adults here.
Peace advocacy | งานรณรงค์เสริมสร้างสันติ
Find out about our work to foster a culture of peace, respect, kindness and non-violence.
Grooming Prevention
Aikido at Renshinkan Dojo
เรียนรู้ศิลปะป้องกันตัวที่ปราศจากความรุนแรง ณ เรนชินกันโดโจ
Aikido is a martial art based on the principles of non-violence and harmony, focused on correct movement rather than strength. It can be practiced by persons of all ages and physical abilities. It was founded by Morihei Ueshiba in Japan during the mid 20th century.

Peace advocacy
The Peace Culture Foundation collaborates with organizations and communities to foster a culture of peace, where people treat one another with respect, kindness and non-violence. Learn more about our projects here.

Community outreach
We regularly hold events for the local community through our outreach initiatives, the LibLab Library and Chiang Mai Board Games Club. We also conduct community service initiatives and host art and culture workshops from time to time. Find out more about upcoming activities at our events page!