What is Grooming?

Grooming refers to a manipulative process in which an offender, known as a groomer, deliberately builds trust with a child or young person through a series of calculated steps. This process is often subtle and gradual, making it difficult to detect. Many children and adolescents fall victim to sexual exploitation due to their innocence and lack of experience. In some cases, even the adults around them may unknowingly become part of the manipulation.

Understand the grooming process through an animated clip by the Internet Foundation for the Development of Thailand.

The consequences of grooming can be devastating, leaving both physical and psychological scars. Victims often struggle with feelings of shame, guilt, and social stigma, sometimes leading to suicidal thoughts. In the most tragic cases, self-harm and suicide become heartbreaking outcomes of the trauma they have endured.

Addressing the issue only after harm has occurred is not an effective solution. Instead, prevention and early intervention are the most powerful and effective ways to combat grooming and protect children from exploitation.

For this reason, we are committed to preventing grooming through various initiatives. These include training programs for children, youth, parents, teachers, and professionals working in child protection, as well as building networks within educational institutions to implement effective prevention and response strategies against grooming.

 Our team consists of dedicated professionals from various disciplines who are committed to preventing sexual violence against children and youth.

Our Team

Our work path

We continue to raise awareness about grooming across all target groups, including students, parents, educators, child protection professionals, and the general public.

See all details of our work here


  • Expanded our efforts to prevent grooming nationwide, starting with a collaboration with the Department of Women's Affairs and Family Development, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. This partnership enabled us to deliver a special lecture on "Sexual Abuse: The Silent Threat in Sports" to over 200 senior officials from sports associations across Thailand. Plans are also underway to develop ongoing initiatives to prevent grooming and sexual abuse among young athletes.

  • Continued collaboration with Dr. Thanyalak Boonlue from Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, supported by the Office of the National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council, to develop the "Digital Citizenship Skills" workshop manual. This aims to equip participants with digital intelligence quotient (DQ) skills, such as critical thinking, to have a better understanding about grooming and online grooming.


  • Collaborated with Dr. Thanyalak Boonlue from Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, with funding from the Office of the National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council, to design the process and content for the "Cyberbullying Awareness" workshop manual. This includes online grooming as part of the training content.

  • Expanded grooming prevention training to university settings through collaborations with various educational institutions, including Chiang Mai University, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Maejo University, and North-Chiang Mai University.


  • Published and distributed the "Stop Grooming" training manual, a curriculum for preventing child sexual abuse in schools, supported by the Thai Internet Foundation and the Thai Health Promotion Foundation under the Online Child Protection Project.

  • Initiated the Train-the-Trainer program (T-T-T) for the prevention of child sexual abuse in schools: Enough of Grooming, equipping trainers with the knowledge and skills to implement the curriculum effectively in their communities. To date, 440 trainers have completed the program.

  • Launched the Safe Schools: No Grooming initiative, establishing Thailand’s first model school, Kowitthumrong Chiang Mai School. This project involves a collaborative team of teachers, parents, and students, forming a school-based child protection committee. The initiative includes developing a Code of Conduct, implementing a school-wide reporting system, and monitoring progress through evaluation.


Conducted the "Stop Grooming" workshops for lower and upper secondary school students in Chiang Mai, with over 1,400 participants.


Launched online training programs for students, parents, professionals from various disciplines, and the general public to raise awareness about grooming.