Chutinan Sornsomrit

Chutinan Sornsomrit, nicknamed Yo, and previously named Kannaporn, was born in Nan province, and currently works as the Partnerships and Policy Advocacy officer at the Peace Culture Foundation. She has more than 10 years of experience as a project manager for youth vocational and skills development, child rights and children with disabilities development, multicultural and linguistic education, and gender empowerment and equality. Additionally, she has eight years of experience as an education development worker and five years of experience as a social worker providing aid to refugees from Myanmar.

Throughout her career, Yo has worked for several international organizations such as the Foundation for Child Development, Catholic office for emergencies and refugees, the Life Skills Development Foundation, Plan International, Save the Children International, Handicap International, and CARE International Thailand program, also known as Raks Thai Foundation. She has worked on project research and management in education development for early childhood care, life skills education, and livelihood vocational skill development for indigenous communities. She has also facilitated and conducted gender equality and empowerment trainings for disadvantaged girls and women in Muslim communities in the Deep South regions of Thailand, as well as for refugee families and indigenous communities in Northern Thailand.

Yo’s educational background includes a B.A degree in Sociology and Anthropology and a M.A in Regional Studies from Chiang Mai University. She also began her studies for a Ph.D. in Education Development at Chiang Mai University, however, she did not complete the entire program. She has also completed a competency English Learning Program from University of Winnipeg in Canada. In addition, Yo participated in the Professional internship Program with the International Play Association in Scotland.